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a picture of one’s family
一张全家福  detail>>
family picture
全家福  detail>>
one earth one family
我们的地球-我们的家园 一个地球,一个家庭 一个家庭  detail>>
the one with the engagement picture
订婚照  detail>>
a family of eight in one bed
一家八口一张床  detail>>
family of frames of order one
一阶标架族  detail>>
have a family of one’s own
拥有自己的家庭  detail>>
my family is a happy one
我的家庭是一个幸福的家庭。  detail>>
one family dwelling
单户住宅  detail>>
one girl family fund
女儿户基金会  detail>>
one parameter family of curves
曲线的单参数族  detail>>
one parent family
单亲家庭 一亲家庭  detail>>
one-and two-family dwelling
独户和双户住宅  detail>>
one-child family
独生子女家庭  detail>>
one-family business
独户单干  detail>>
one-family dwelling
私人住宅  detail>>
one-girl family fund
女儿户基金会  detail>>
one-parametric family of characteristics
单参数特性曲线族  detail>>